Here's the link so you can have your own thoughts about it. The video is a viral ad from Reebok that's causing a lot of buzz in the web. It shows MMA fighter Chuck Liddell and his girlfriend working out naked, wearing only Reebok Zigtech shoes. I learned about the video this Saturday while I was reading a blog from a Miami Herald's sport writer. Mashable has an entry about it. There's no doubt that the ad will get a huge amount of visitors, just like other Reebok's ads that follow the same concept in the past. First, it's controversial. Second, Liddell + Girlfriend nude = a lot of hits. How will it engage consumers? It's hard to tell right now because the campaign just started. One of the comments left in Mashable by a man says that after watching the ad with his girlfriend, she wanted to buy the lingerie that Liddell's girlfriend was wearing. Another one complains that kids are being bombarded by too much sex already. I believe that the ad has already accomplished one of it goals: attention. How that will translate into sales remains to be seen.
Fascinating. Clearly Reebok is targeting a certain demographic that 1) knows and cares who Chuck Liddell is and 2) thinks that naked workouts are cool. This ad makes my stomach turn a little...and definitely not care at all about Reebok. I agree that it will generate buzz, though I wonder if it will have real ROI.